Sunday, November 30, 2008

War on INDIA

The most barbaric attack ever faced by india(Probably only behind Jalianwallah bagh incident on 1914) happened on Mumbai on 26th Nov. The screwed up jihadis did not had the guts to attack our army head on. They were too busy picking the easy targets from hotels and prayer hall(Nariman House) and did not even spare children from this killing spree. It only goes to highlight how much belief they have in their ideology. Sincere request is to handover the lone terrrorist caught alive to indian army. No questions to be asked by human rights commission. Those people only have problem when terrorists are given their own medicine. Also, unless we show our military might to our neighbours they will continue to sponser these attacks. Israel is a good expample of how to survive in a troubled neighbourhood. If Isreal had been attacked in a similar way, they would have launched an operation like the one after(The Munich Massicarre in 1974).

It is a crisis which is unprecedented for India. This is a moment in histroy where we should stand up and punish all those guilty within and outside the country. All the pseudo securalists (INC sonia, SP Mulaayam , BSP Mayawati)should stop making this big fuss about linking terrorists to Muslims. Unfortunately the BJP and the saffron brigade havent done much better by supporting possibly the first hindu millitant in india ( Sadhvi pragnya thakur and her friends). If the Congress and BJP dont mend their ways there is possibily that no terrorist in India will be punished (Hindu and Muslim) due to political support to them. Also the next general election in India should mandate the Govt to root out terrorism from the country. If a govt fails to do so , the electorate will punish the polititions.

PS: This Draft was written on 30th Nov in the aftermath of Mumbai Attacks. But i could not post this at that time.